
Showing posts from March, 2021

Day 9

Again, feeling good being AF and no cravings 👏 Had a nice relaxing morning with babe 2 and then a nice afternoon with both the boys this afternoon where everything went smoothly because we had been so organised in the weekend (which wouldn’t have happened had I been drinking)! Found out that a friend got a DUI, a mum, and her response has been to blame everything else but alcohol. I was initially angry but then thought - how dare I? Alcohol has ruined my relationship with one of my best friends. I drank at her partner’s funeral, was just a mess, and basically just couldn’t be the friend I should have been. I’ve not been the best mother I could have been because of drinking and being hungover. I’ve drunk and had random hook ups, blacked out more times than I can literally remember, said I would do things / show up for people while drinking and then cancelled while hungover, lied, cheated... the list goes on. So how can I judge?  Drinking alcohol makes me such a completely different...

Day 8

Sunday. Woke up at 7am after having slept 9 hours straight (thanks Mum and Dad for having the kids!!) feeling calm, content and well rested. Wow. Much different to last Sunday where I tossed and turned all night from about 2am and felt disgusting and tired all day, swearing I’d never drink again but from the afternoon toying with the idea of buying wine to make me feel better (what the actual?!).  Thankfully I resisted...  Today was easy from a keeping alcohol free point of view and very busy and productive - hopefully have set myself up for the week ahead.  Week 2 AF coming in hot... Mrs MK xoxo

Day 7

This feels like about the millionth time that I’ve tried to kick the drink for good.  I’ve managed to go days/weeks/months without it then BAM, back to square one... but it’s not square one as the more I continue this AF journey the more I realise how little, if any, joy I get out of drinking (perhaps only the skewed rose-tinted thought of it and even then who wants to have their mind consumed with thoughts of alcohol??) and how negatively it impacts on every part of my life, particularly my mental health and confidence.  So this time, I’m trying something a little different. I’m going to blog, albeit anonymously, and really delve into how I’m feeling each day so I can learn to recognise any triggers, learn and reinforce that a craving is just a thought, it will pass, and I will get through it and come out the other side more resilient and stronger than ever. My ultimate goal is to love being alcohol free, to the point that I’m so confident and comfortable in my decision that ...