Day 9

Again, feeling good being AF and no cravings 👏

Had a nice relaxing morning with babe 2 and then a nice afternoon with both the boys this afternoon where everything went smoothly because we had been so organised in the weekend (which wouldn’t have happened had I been drinking)!

Found out that a friend got a DUI, a mum, and her response has been to blame everything else but alcohol. I was initially angry but then thought - how dare I?

Alcohol has ruined my relationship with one of my best friends. I drank at her partner’s funeral, was just a mess, and basically just couldn’t be the friend I should have been. I’ve not been the best mother I could have been because of drinking and being hungover. I’ve drunk and had random hook ups, blacked out more times than I can literally remember, said I would do things / show up for people while drinking and then cancelled while hungover, lied, cheated... the list goes on. So how can I judge? 

Drinking alcohol makes me such a completely different person and I wake up an absolute shell of myself full of regret, loathing and anxiety the next day.

So I won’t judge. Because alcohol can strip us of so much slowly but steadily without us even realising it and I’m only just starting to own up to what a problem alcohol is for me. Although I hate the word, and all the negative connotations, I am an alcoholic.

But moving forward, I refuse to be defined by that term I’m determined to live a happy, full, content life being alcohol free and feeling empowered in this decision. I hit my own rock bottom so that I get to experience the joy of being present, alcohol free and hangover free every single day. I’ve never regretted not drinking and I’ll never get bored of hangover free weekends. 

This is my journey of Mrs MK staying sober, and in the process finding the unexpected joys of doing so. 

Till next time, 

Mrs MK xoxo


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